Vina and Y-Dan - Proposal and Vacation Couple Photo Shoot Cork / by Jan

I love photographing proposals! I mean, my heart is beating, I’m hoping that my instructions are understood and that the fiancé doesn’t get lost on the Blarney grounds, and that I manage to capture the moment well!

But after that, the couple photo shoots I do always end up being one of the funnest. I guess that buzz from the proposal is just unbeatable! Especially in a foreign country. Vina and Y-Dan here are from America, travelling through most of Ireland.

Magical Proposal

Blarney Castle never disappoints for these moments. Truly a thing of fairy tales.

Was this proposal a surprise? As it turns out; no. Haha! Vina was patiently impatiently waiting for Y-Dan to finally pop the question and was suspicious that it would happen on this Irish trip. Well, she was absolutely spot on!

We followed up the proposal with a gorgeous couple photo shoot around the Blarney Castle, as well as the Blarney House. It’s such a wonderful spot for photo shoots like these. There are so many great corners and locations. It doesn’t just make each photo unique, but it also makes the whole couple photo shoot so much fun.

What I love most about this specific set of couple photos is the happiness and joy that’s pouring from these two. You can tell immediately that they’re a great couple and will have a beautiful marriage one day. This will definitely set them up well. There’s just so much love in their eyes.

I made sure to leave the couple with a long list of recommendations. From restaurants and foods to try, to my favourite Irish whiskeys and the best scenic spots to visit. I know how helpful it can be to have a local give some good tips and directions!

If you are looking for a couples photographer or a proposal photo shoot, you can contact me here.

Adventure Couple Photo Shoots in Cork

And if you’re not interested in the proposal part and are just looking for a couples photographer, I also offer vacation adventure couple photo shoots where I take you on a tour of some beautiful spots in the Irish countryside.

For more on these adventure couple photo shoots, check out the following blog posts. These couple photos are great for anniversaries, engagements and general vacation shoots!

More Proposal Couple Photos in Blarney

Happiness & Joy

There’s just so much love in their eyes.